And a very Happy Solstice to one and all...
It's been exactly a year since I started this blog. I am, as yet, undecided whether to continue or not - yeah, stuff's happened to me during the year, same as it happens to most other people, but there are blogs out there that can mine comedy gold out of everyday happenings, such as Katyboo, Belgian Waffle, Mr London Street or Antonia over at Whoopee (although she's currently up the duff and concentrating on growing another human inside her rather than writing) or who live a fantastically whimsical life full of imagination and who can justifiably be said to be 'away with the fairies'. And for just beautiful writing, this post by ElizabethM, is faultless and far, far better than anything I could produce. But I find it hard to accept that anything that happens in my life is of any interest to anyone else - I suppose the art is in writing about normal life interestingly, and I find that very difficult. We shall see.
So, what's happened to me in the year of the blog? Way back in January, TLH took me to Avebury following an ice storm to take photographs of the stones. In February we went to see Magazine play up in Camden, which made me go all nostalgic for my own performing days. June saw me going to the beach and swimming in the sea for the first time in over 20 years. In August the decorating finally almost got finished (still haven't got the carpet down...).
Probably the biggest thing to happen to me this year was the 3-week visit to Budapest in November, which I blogged about in great detail, because it was interesting, and there was lots to see and photograph, so it was easy to do, if time-consuming.
There's been craft fairs and lots of work done at the allotment. In December there was the death of a most-beloved and much-missed cat.
What can I look forward to next year? January will see the arrival of a new niece or nephew, and TLH will be going to Sweden for a few days for work and I may well join him for my first trip to Scandinavia. And that, truly, is all I know about next year. I think it's probably enough to be getting on with, don't want to be tempting fate now, do we?
1 week ago
Happy blogaversary and well done - I've enjoyed reading you so will say don't give up.
Lovely solstice here - all crisp and golden.
Happy blogiversary to you, happy blogiversary to you, happy blogiversary, dear Mrs. Jooooones, happy blogiversary to you!
Please keep it up; I like it.
You are very self deprecating. I love reading your blog. Now hurry up and have a fabulous year with lots of lovely photos and arty things to show me so that I can go ooooh! Happy solstic/crimble to you.xx
Happy blogiversary! Today is my very first visit to your blog and I would like to say that I think you are just precious and English-y. You are English, right? Because I've only read this entry and I kept hearing a British accent for some reason.
Stupid American Blogger
Mountainear, Katyboo & Omegamom - your words are very kind. Perhaps I should just put a bit more effort in. That can be my new year's resolution.
Miss Yvonne - I am truly deeply honoured by your presence! Seriously! Yes, I am indeed very English. I hope you get Carlos Spicy Weiner next year.
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