Right, while I'm working on the next blog post - which is one I've been promising for a little while - I just thought I'd keep you entertained with my latest hair colour.
I want to go pink. Really hot, fuschia in-your-face pink. All over, not just a few streaks here and there. Trouble is, to get it the colour I really want (which is this colour) I will either have to bleach it first or wait until I go completely grey. Bleaching is a pain in the hole (and if you've read my previous posts you'll see I'm no stranger to the lures of hydrogen peroxide). I'm quite grey on top but not so much round the back, but I'm quite keen to see how well the grey will take up the pink (which is semi-permanent, by the way - it washes out after a few weeks). So I let my current, more purple, hair colour grow out a bit, until there was an inch and a half or so of grey down my parting and, a couple of Saturdays ago, just decided to get on with it and slapped the dye (Special Effects 'Atomic Pink' - it glows under UV light!!) all over. Let it sit there for 15 mins then washed it off.
I'm quite pleased with the results so far although I do think it's a bit too much Eastern European hooker (i.e. a bit blackcurranty) and not quite enough Dear-God-look-at-her-you'd-think-at-her-age-she'd-know-better. So I may have to bleach it first, but that would involve having to have most of it cut off first and I quite like the length.
I dunno - decisions, decisions. I know it doesn't look much different in colour to my profile picture but it is pinker. I'm open to suggestions - what do you think?
Use it or lose it
1 week ago
I really hope that 'Atomic Pink' becomes a reality - it's a colour and a half. Wow.
And I think to achieve comments like 'Dear-God-look-at-her-you'd-think-at-her-age-she'd-know-better' is a great ambition.
When I lived in Austin, I would see this woman around town all the time. She had bubble gum pink hair, a car the same pink, and wore lots of pink clothes. My girls were always so excited to see her. She was completely committed to the look, to the point of eccentricity. You have a ways to go to get there.
I like your color. You could add some highlights, and make those a lighter or brighter pink. Or black. Just as an alternative to bleaching it all, I mean.
Go for it, whatever you choose.
I like it, but I think it would be much more fun (although yes, hard work) to bleach it and go bright pink. I'm all for more is more.
I think it looks absolutely fab and not eastern european hooker at all. Wish I was brave enough to go ribena. Actually, I think it's probably nicer and more flattering than boring old hot pink.
I'm for the bleach and then bright pink - snap really cos I always wanted to do it to. You look bloody gorgeous anyway, whatever!
Love it! One of my teenagers has had that BRIGHT pink hair for almost four years. It fades fairly quickly, even on bleached hair, but then is a lovely cotton candy pink until she dyes it again. She found that you really can't get that strong color without bleaching, though.
Love your hair. It hints at mischief and mirth, as does your blog.
Personally I'd go blue, but then it's each one to their own.
Mountainear - we all need to have ambitions - I think mine must be to delay growing up for as long as possible.
Peevish - mind you, she sounds like something to aspire to! Still, that level of dedication takes a lot of, um, dedication. I'm quite good at doing that for a while but then I get slack and can't be arsed anymore. I had an internet boyfriend from Austin for a while, I've always thought it sounded like an interesting place and that it would suit me. There or Sedona.
Katyboo - is this your retaliation for me trying to tempt you to get a tattoo? Because it's working....
LBD - Going ribena is very easy indeed. Just use Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL in No. 46 Cyber Purple. It's the colour of my profile picture. If you don't like it, it's easy enough to put a dark brown one over it. Go on - you only live once!!!
Ms Cheese - oh, hush yo' mouth, girlfriend! I'm surprised you haven't beaten me to it. Perhaps we should BOTH do it and then blog about it at the same time.
Green V-Neck - hello, and welcome! Yes, I'm coming to the conclusion that bleach is the only way to go if I want that real retina-burning colour. As it's semi-permanent it's going to wash out anyway. Mind you, that's the problem with doing anything at all to your hair, absolutely nothing is permanent - dye will grow out, a haircut will grow out. Hair will always return to how IT wants to be so why not throw caution to the wind, I say, and do what you like to it - it won't stay that way.
Eileen - hello - you can come again! Blue is actually a very difficult colour, as is green; it seems to leach the colour from your skin, whereas the purples and pinks don't and might even make you look healthier. But if you put some blue in yours, I'll do the pink.
I think it looks terrific - not quite Dear-God-look-at-her-you'd-think-at-her-age-she'd-know-better yet, but pretty close! I like the length and think it would be a shame to have it cut, so I vote for the compromise, not quite pink enough yet, but gloriously long.
Not quite pink enough. I agree with the others. Bleach and bright pink. Go girl!
I just post to say you look stunning, but the message never got sent, so trying again. M x
Huh typical !! I did a lovely long comment which didn't get through and then a short one that did !!
Would using the vodka'd blackberries in your hair help, do you think?!
I say it's very pretty as it is, and the hot pink might be very high maintenance, which is soooo not you, Mrs Jones, I'd guess...
Much love, Fhi x
AWoNI - God, it's like you know me! Seriously! I am, actually, a very low maintenance person and that's the daunting aspect of the whole bleaching thing - for it to look good, you have to keep it up and I'm such a dreadful slattern and about as far from 'glossy' as you can get. But I still might do it for the shock value....
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